Burda Sew Along

Got some Burda magazines lying around? Been collecting them, but never quite getting around to making all the projects that have caught your eye? Well, now’s your chance! This May is Burda Magazine Sew Along month! An amnesty for all those lonely magazines that have been languishing in sewing rooms everywhere. Go on, be kind to them – pull them out, dust ’em off, and sew something up! Let them feel the love!!

Burda Sew Along

Here’s the low-down. During May 2013, The Curious Kiwi and I will be hosting the inaugural Wellington Sewing Bloggers Network (WSBN) Burda Magazine Sew Along. (Long enough title for you? Yeah, we worked hard on that one.) There will be inspiration posts, tips and tricks, progress posts, and round-ups of what other people have been making as part of the sew along. You’ll be able to find links to all this goodness right here, on one page.

Want to join us in showing the love to a Burda magazine or two? Comment below with your blog name and we’ll add ya to the participant list right here.

There’s a Pinterest group board as well, where you can share your inspiration, patterns and creations – let us know your Pinterest user name in the comments below and we’ll invite you to the board.

Got any questions? Once again, let us know below and we’ll do our best to answer them.

That’s it everyone – sign up here, and have some Burda fun in May!

The Button

Want to join in? Grab the button:

Burda sew along

<div align="center"><a href="https://macskakat.wordpress.com/burda-sew-along/" title="Burdasewalong"><img src="http://thecuriouskiwi.files.wordpress.com/2013/04/burda-sew-along.jpg" alt="Burda sew along" style="border:none;" /></a></div>

The Participants

119 responses to “Burda Sew Along

  1. Pingback: Burda Magazine Sew Along – coming to you in May | the curious kiwi

  2. Ok been following the curious kiwi blog for a while and now interested in joining this sewalong – nice to have one in kiwiland. I hail from the Waikato but love to visit Welly to see daughter at Vic. My pinterest user name is Jacsh. My mother used to sew us clothes from Burda and I have a few of her classics but was gifted the entire lot from 2001 to 2010!! So I have lots of choice.

    • Ooh, another Kiwi! Welcome!!

      If you’re thinking about heading down this way in the future, come join in one of our sewing bloggers get-togethers! We’d love to meet you. 🙂

      Gosh, all the magazines from 2001 to 2010 – that’s one impressive collection to choose from.

  3. Hey Kat, great idea – I’m in 🙂

  4. would love to participate… I’ve got a dress I have been promising I will make myself for my cousins wedding in July – this could be the kick start I need!
    My pinterest name is kiwimelnz
    looking forward to it 🙂

  5. ooo I want to join this! It sounds like fun!

    • Yay, join us!! 🙂

      • oh can you change it over to my sewing blog rather than my life blog? That way people can see what I’m working on rather than my son or kitchen =) sewingforme.wordpress.com I also set up a Flickr account. That should do it right?

  6. Pingback: Time to show some love to those Burda mags?!? | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  7. Stephanie Lanzetti

    How weird is this – just bought the latest Burda magazine tonight and thinking I really must make something out these things – they are not cheap.. How timely your challenge is, put my name down!

    Pinterest: Steffy65
    blog: http://in-my-backyard.net

    Sydney Australia

  8. Do Burda patterns that are bought as single patterns count in this? If they do, I’m in, too 😀

  9. I’m guilty … I love leafing through Burda and I know what I want to make so this will give me the push to do it! I’m really no good at sewing in isolation any more …

    • I think a few of us were cast a bit adrift when the Sew Weekly challenges ended… So yes, join us! Make Burda patterns!! 😉

  10. Oh yep I’m in – great idea. Is it cheating that I’ve already started a couple already? Oh don’t worry there are more in the queue which I hope to have time for too …. before the month is out (May that is lol).

  11. Yay! Me so happy! lol… I do have a couple of prjects in mind, but I always postpone sewing… this will give me the right push! Love it already! 😀

  12. this looks like much fun and I would love to join in.

  13. Perfect timing – I just bought my first ever Burda mag and I’m just slightly daunted, but excited. Count me in!

    • Ditto, ditto!
      Will look forward to all the tips & hints!
      Katherine, at WeSewRetro.com, has offered to post anyone’s notice of a sew-along, so more people will know about it. If you’re interested, see wesewretro.com/2013/04/sew-alongs/. Cheers!

    • Welcome! 🙂 (This will be my first time sewing from a Burda magazine as well – eek!)

  14. I’m in please, bought the summer mag last year to sew up some of the cute patterns and now its the beginning of winter and have not made a thing! http://pinterest.com/sherenanz/boards/

  15. I am so joining in! I usually skip sew alongs due to time constraints, not having the right patterns blah blah but this is right up my alley. I have some Burda’s from the local library and already have made 1 top and a pants muslin so I cant wait to make more.

  16. Hi Kat, I’m in!

  17. Wonderful – I have Burda Magazines going back over ten years – sounds like a great excuse to pick a pattern that has caught my eye.
    Only challenge will be to pick only one…

  18. Love to join in – made my first dress from Burda Mag last weekend – and am now hooked!

  19. i just pinned my ideas. how are we going to share our inspiration boards and keep in touch for the Sew-A-Long? ps. this is the first time i ever did anything on pininterest and this will be my first non-patternreview.com sew-a-long. Do you ladies like pininterest? http://pinterest.com/sewingforme/planning-for-winter/
    I’m really excited.

    About Me

    • Personally, I love Pinterest. It’s so easy to see everything that people have pinned, and click through for details and to get to their blogs. I find it a lot easier than Flickr….

      We’ve got a group board for the Burda sew-along, so we’ll get you added to it so you can pin to it as well and share your inspiration etc. 🙂

  20. Oh I’m definitely in for this! I’ve moved my stack of Burda magazines to two different houses now, feeling guiltier each time. It’s totally time to put them to work.

  21. Pingback: Burda Sew-along Reminder + a surprise! | the curious kiwi

  22. I want to participate but can I start latter? I will be home only at 10 may.

    • Of course you can start later! This is a relaxed sew along – feel free to start whenever in May you’d like. 🙂 The aim is simply to make one (or more!) things using Burda Style patterns during May.

  23. I’m in, but am blogless!

    • Welcome! (And hey, maybe we can convince you to start a blog?! 😉

      Do you have a Pinterest account? We can add you to the group board so you can show off your creation/s there, or if you’d like them included in the weekly round-ups of what people are working on/have made, feel free to email photos and descriptions through to me and I’ll get them added so everyone can see what you’re making. 🙂

  24. I’d love to join. I have rather a lot of Burdas that I spend a lot of time looking through but I don’t get around to making anything so this sew along is what I need.

    • Welcome! 🙂

      I think that’s a common issue with Burda’s. So many pretty things to look at, so few of us get around to making all the pretty things! (At least, it’s a problem I have, haha!)

  25. I’m in! My first Burda mag make was next on my list anyway. Well, I’ll attempt to be in, I’ve got a lot going on in May!

    • Yippie!

      And hey, you’ve got a lot of Burda’s to choose from. 😉

      • Don’t even need to do that! It’s traced and my fabric is chosen, but that was as far as I got on my too-sick-to-actually-sew sewing holiday over a year ago. But I think I need to grade the pattern… and I have SO much to do in May! So we’ll see 🙂

  26. I really should join this, I used to make so much from Burda magazine in the 80’s and 90’s, I learnt to sew using those patterns, but I gave away my collection of magazines one move and I haven’t made anything from one in ages. I have bought a couple of magazines over the past few months but haven’t actually made anything from them yet – so please count me in!

  27. Pingback: oooops, so that will be another challenge then… | grt*escp

  28. I’ve had trouble finding a newsagent that stocks Burda magazine but I do have a Burda coat that I want to make. So if that’s ok, I’m in!

    • Welcome! Burda patterns (either paper or from the BurdaStyle.com website) also count, so yes, please join us! 🙂

  29. Pingback: Challenging May | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  30. Pingback: Show Us Your Burda Collection | the curious kiwi

  31. Pingback: May means Burda Sew Along! | Thanks! I made this myself!

  32. I found this sewalong through the Curious Kiwi blog, which I recently started following. I have been collecting some of the free patterns on the Burda website, and I was inspired to purchase a few Burda Style magazines after the February 2012 issue received such rave reviews online. I really need this sewalong to motivate me to complete some of the patterns, now that I own the magazines. This will also go along nicely with my Me Made May ’13 pledge. Thanks much for hosting!

    • Welcome!

      (I’m going to have to go and look up that February 2012 issue now, after that recommendation! 🙂 )

      • Thank you. And sorry, I mis-typed that – I meant the February 2013 issue. But actually, the March 2012 issue has some interesting patterns, including a Chanel-style jacket.

  33. Hello, can you add me to the participant list, please. 🙂

  34. I would like to join in if that is OK. Burda is my favourite sewing source, but I have a lot of magazines with sticky notes on them that need some attention!

  35. Kat I forgot to ask, are you able to add me onto the Pinterest page for the Sew Along.

  36. Pingback: Burdas, Burdas everywhere | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  37. Sorry to be so late, but I would like to join. I mostly sew from Burda currently, and have my eye on quite a few things I would like to try sewing this month.

    • Also would love to join the pinterest board if I may :o)

      • Hello Sarah! Welcome! Looking forward to seeing what you make. 🙂 We’ll get you added to the Pinterest board (if Mel hasn’t already done so!).

  38. Hi I would love to join also and live in Auckland. I dont have a sewing blog yet! but have setup a pinterest board http://pinterest.com/dreamofsewing
    I also mainly sew from Burda and have a whole stack of them!

    • Hello Monique! Glad you’re joining us! (And hey, maybe we can encourage you to start a blog, too! 😉 )

  39. I think I will join. One question – may I use the Burda pattern or it has to be from the Burda magazien? I have a very forgotten pattern of manjacket I would like to make for my DH and it looks like great opportunity to force myself to do this.
    If yes – then YES I would like to join!
    pinterest: http://pinterest.com/redpointtailor/

  40. Pingback: me-made-may day 6 commentary and burda funtimes | heteronormative lovefest

  41. Pingback: The boat top | Flossie FT

  42. Pingback: Pants Fitting Soap | Red Point Tailor

  43. Hi Kat.. I found this sew along through Red Point Tailor Blog and I’d love to joint!

  44. This is Great please count me in:)

    • Welcome Bella! 🙂 Do you use Pinterest? If you do, let us know your Pinterest details and we can add you to the group board to share your project(s).

  45. Pingback: Roundin’ up the Burda Sew-along progress…. | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  46. Pingback: Last hours in Riga … almost back home | Red Point Tailor

  47. Pingback: burda sew along | heteronormative lovefest

  48. Pingback: back on track, slowly… | grt*escp

  49. Hello! My interest I’d is hnordquist. I managed to make a Burda garment before I knew this was going on and would love to join in!!!

  50. Pingback: The “Anne” Blouse | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  51. I’m a bit slow on the uptake here. Cat Smith is my Pinterest name. Please invite me:)

  52. Pingback: Mercury – Handmade Fashion

  53. It is very late to join in but I already made (hmmm finished after a veryyyyy long time) a Danielle-dress from the website and now I’m working on a dress from the book sewing vintage modern. I’ll join in, although it is a tiny bit late 🙂

  54. Off course I would forget to mention my blog hihi, lelieswereld.wordpress.com, and my pinterestname is Lelie

  55. Pingback: Baby got back | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  56. Pingback: and a second Burda… | grt*escp

  57. Pingback: weekly photo challenge: the sign says | Curls n Skirls

  58. Pingback: Burda sew-along extended, and another challenge begins | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  59. I will have to prolong this Sew Along till the end of June … I only managed to trace a pattern…

  60. Pingback: Indie pattern month – June 2013 | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  61. Pingback: burda challenge completed! | Curls n Skirls

  62. Thanks to you **all** for this challenge, and for such wonderful follow-up informative blog references. Would never have finished without them!

  63. Can you please add http://lelieswereld.wordpress.com/ to the Burda list 🙂

  64. Pingback: Final Burda sew-along round up | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  65. Pingback: May Photo A Day (part 1) | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  66. Pingback: Pattern tracing fun | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  67. Pingback: Pink Eclaire pencil skirt | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

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