Pajama pants for the little person


Yep, another post about trousers for the baby. One would think that I’ve been on a baby-trouser-making spree lately…. (And yet there’s still one post left to go to round out the 2012 makes…! What can I say? Babies grow fast and need more trousers!)

Anyway, I cut these two pairs out a few months back, and never made it any further than the cutting out stage. This was before our little guy arrived, back when I had no idea whatsoever about what sort of clothes would actually be good to put a baby in (i.e. practical and easy stuff). Which, I think, is why I never made it further than the cutting-out stage, as I questioned whether I should be making them at all.


As part of my (continued) attempt to declutter my life (haha I completely delude myself that I will ever be successful in this quest!) I unearthed these the other day back in early November and finished sewing them up. And now, they make me smile, with their somewhat crazy fabrics. (And yes, this post has been in draft format, waiting for photos, since the start of November. Oops.)

Simplicity 3766

The Facts

Pattern: Simplicity 3766
Year: 2007
Fabric: left-over craft cotton from making adult PJ pants
Notions: a couple of lengths of elastic for the waistbands


(Yep, that’s a lime-green-with-purple-polka-dots pair of trousers for our little lad.)



They won’t fit him for another couple of months as they’re in a 6 month size, so no Drake modelling photos this time sadly.

But you know the best part? The fabric the black pair is the leftovers from my Turkey pajamas, so when they do fit him, we can hang out together and be all matchy-matchy in our matching PJs! 😉

9 responses to “Pajama pants for the little person

  1. Pingback: Simplicity 3766 | Patterns patterns patterns

  2. Oh my gosh, so cute!

  3. Hehe, matching Turkeys, this will require a photo in the future! 😉

  4. Bahahaha! Turkeys! Love these little pants!

  5. OK, now you need to give us a matching turkey photo, when he fits!

  6. Pingback: Pirate pants (arrr!) | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

  7. Pingback: Denim shorts for little dudes | Modern Vintage Cupcakes

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