Wednesday Wardrobe Challenge – velvet and lace

A year or two ago, my friend Natalie and I realised that we were doing something that is apparently very common, especially among women – we were probably wearing about 10% of our wardrobe around 90% of the time. Which was a rather sad state of affairs, as both Natalie and I have rather large wardrobes.

So, we decided to do something about it! And thus the idea of the Wednesday Wardrobe Challenge was born. Every Wednesday, we’d have a different challenge, and we’d have to wear something that met that challenge. We came up with a long list of challenges (which is always being added to – all suggestions are welcome!) and choose one at random each week.

The challenge grew to include Gill, who we worked with. Then other girls noticed (the day we all turned up wearing red was when people started to pick up on it – red tends to draw attention, it turns out), and others started picking up the challenge as well. It grew bigger – Natalie left where we were working and introduced the challenge to people at her new workplace. They introduced it to their friends. We started a Facebook group for the challenge. People on the group added their friends. And now, I send out a direct email to around 40 people each week, it’s up on my workplaces intranet as a weekly event, and the Facebook group has nearly 100 people from all around the world. Yay for the Wednesday Wardrobe Challenge! 🙂 It’s quite neat, thinking of people all around the world wearing the same colour/style/print/etc all at the same time, as part of a semi-secret club. Maybe one day a group of us will run into another group on a Wednesday and we’ll all notice we’re wearing Corporate Fairy outfits or everyone is wearing yellow, and we’ll identify each other through the challenge. That’s quite a cool idea. Even if it never happens, the thought of it makes me happy. (Clearly, I am easily amused!)

For a while now, I’ve been thinking about putting pictures of my Wardrobe Challenge outfits up on here. But I never got around to it. Except for during Me Made March, that is. But now, it’s time to begin! (After all, having to put a post up each week will keep me in line and make me really stretch myself for some of these challenges!)

First up – the Challenge outfit from Wednesday 6 March. The challenge was – Velvet and Lace.

Velvet and Lace challenge outfit

What I wore to meet the challenge:
– Black velvet skirt with floral appliqué (first time I’ve worn this – yay for the challenge finally forcing it out into the light of day!)
– Black lace tights

(Please imagine this outfit with black knee-high boots instead of the sneakers. These are my ‘walking home from work’ shoes, so I clearly didn’t time the photo all that well this week!)

One response to “Wednesday Wardrobe Challenge – velvet and lace

  1. You need to make a button! I want to do weekly wardrobe posts too:D

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