Pattern recording

A while back, I started recording my vintage pattern collection on a separate blog, putting them into clear zip-lock bags, and filing them, so that they were safe and protected, easy to find, and I could still enjoy flicking through them without worrying about damaging the envelopes. (And as an added bonus, if I’m making a garment for a friend/family member in another town, I can now send them the link to my pattern blog and they can look through and choose what they want me to make them. Far easier for everyone!)

It turns out I’ve somehow collected a fair number of vintage patterns this year. For which I completely blame the Sew Weekly, as it was my portal into the wonderful world of lovely girls who sew vintage styles and write about them. What was a growing interest at the start of the year is now an obsession. Oops. Needless to say, it’s taking a while to record all these patterns!

I spent an hour or two tonight to record a few more (adding them into the Vintage Patterns Wiki as I went). And just for the heck of it, I thought I’d show you the ones I recorded, bagged and filed tonight. ‘ere they are:

Butterick 9808

Hollywood 646

Academy 4373

Druleigh 932

Butterick 6987

Butterick B4790

Weigel's 2259

I’m really looking forward to making up the Hollywood dress – it’s a sailor dress style. Cute! It just arrived in the mail today. Now I just need to decide which fabric to make it up in…..

One response to “Pattern recording

  1. What a lovely collection of patterns. I share the same obsession and spend far too much time ooogling at them online! That sailor dress is destined to be a winner. Can’t wait to see it.

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